
這篇文是玩完某RPG的產物 原本是很歡脫的劇情換到異色就被我寫的玻璃渣一堆ಠ_ಠ
Okay? Let's go!

----------------我是華麗麗的分隔線 :D ----------

金髮少年翻上圍欄 坐在學校頂樓的欄杆上 雙腳晃呀晃的看著眼下的世界
這樣走了 誰會記得自己 誰會想念自己⋯沒有人吧 反正自己是這麼的不起眼 消失了 也不會有人在乎 對吧?
自嘲的笑了笑 閉起雙眼 像個小丑似的站在欄杆上踱步 數著自己的步伐
碰 頂樓的鐵門開了 褐髮少年衝出來 試圖伸手抓住對方 卻被狠狠的揮開
"What the fuck are you doing!" 褐髮少年激動的吼著 卻因對方的位置不敢隨意碰觸他
"Should I report everything I do to you? Don't you have eyes?"金髮少年轉身面對他虛偽的笑了笑
"Bro, just calm down" 褐髮少年把雙手舉到胸前示意自己沒有要做任何事
"I am"收起笑容 紫羅蘭色的雙眼直勾勾的盯著對方 直到對方完全僵在原地才收回盯獵物般的眼神
"Well, I've taken those shit enough. Au revoir Allen.....Pour toujours." 金髮少年張開雙手 閉上雙 眼身體開始往後仰 耀眼的世界在眼中翻轉讓人想吐 不過一切 都會結束
看著對方衝向圍欄邊試圖捉住自己卻徒勞無功 看著他在吶喊著卻什麼都聽不到 
哎呀 風太大聲了呢 嘛 無所謂啦

刺眼的陽光 蔚藍的天空 翠綠的草皮 炫目的球場 以及 校舍邊的一抹鮮紅

"Hey Steven.." 誰?好熟悉的聲音?不對 我怎麼還聽得到?
"I know you don't like me but..." 我⋯怎麼會不喜歡你呢?
"You are my brother. You know, sometime I just fucking hate you... like ... when you making fun at me... and laughing at me..." 噢⋯那的確艇好笑的
"But... you're still my brother... you are still always taking care of me, you are still beat other people when they hurt me... you always make breakfast for me then I don't have to eat that horrible cupcake..." 夠了⋯閉嘴
"God dame it, what the hell am I talking about..." 這是我想問你的吧?
睜開雙眼 沈重的雨水 灰色的天空 灰色的土地 灰色的墓碑 以及 灰色的心
"I wish you can hear me now..." 艾倫伸手撫上冰冷的墓碑 墓碑上以草寫刻著Steven.Williams
"Haha, it must be weird if you can see me, you will see you grave" 是啊 很奇怪呢 看著自己的墓碑
"Hay bro... I ... I miss you... Well! You will never hear that word again from my mouth if you miss this!" 呵 這種話會從你嘴裡說出來 還真是神奇了呢
"Come on bro, I know you are going to laugh me right?  ..........right?" 夠了艾倫 閉嘴
"Well.... I guess.. you will never do that again right... so... I won't hate you anymore, 'cause you won't make fun at me anymore" 我的天 艾倫你這句話要是被奧利弗聽到肯定會被罵
"I... I don't hate you anymore.. will you come back? ..... yeap, of course you won't " 艾倫 我在這啊
艾倫的眼睛留下一條水痕 不知道是雨或是淚 史蒂夫下意識的伸手去擦對方的眼角 卻意識到自己無法接觸他
"Steven... I miss you... I miss you so much"
"Well.. I think I have to go, I can't stay here any longer... Oliver will kill me.."
"Hey Steven, at last I wanna tell you"
"You are not alone... we all are thinking about you.. we all miss you.."
"Me, Oliver, François... they even cried when you die..."
"Yes.. and I did so"
"We miss you"
艾倫說完便轉身離開 留下史蒂夫一人站在原地

死亡 只不過是另一個痛苦的開始罷了
比一開始 更加的冰冷 更加的孤獨

    #APH #異色北米 #玻璃渣

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